Bomber Jacket: Must have!

As we sit here in a warm West End coffee shop with our dark mocha truffles (OMG YUM), watching these hot humans pass us by, we started to wonder if our trendy readers are liking or loathing the Bomber Jacket look...What’s your general take on them…?

To quote from our loveable and most intelligent friends at Wikipedia;

“The flight jacket, bomber jacket, or bombardier jacket refers to a garment jacket type originally created for military pilots”... Presumably we don’t have to be a pilot to be able to rock this stylish look though surely?

As you’d have probably guessed by walking the streets of London, Bomber Jackets are without a doubt one of the biggest trends of 2016 and can be seen all over the catwalk, in stores and on celebs. Luckily for us (and our bank balance), we have discovered that you don’t need to spend a ridiculous amount of money to be able rock this style! Whoop! You can find them all over the high street at affordable prices. There is one for every style and budget.

These super-hot statement jackets are so versatile that they can be thrown over any outfit. Whether you’re going for an elegant going-out look with heels and a black dress or combined with a simple white tee and skinny jeans for a casual outfit; these jackets are light enough that you won’t be too warm in the sun (yes, we do have sun in London…sometimes...)

(photography by Patricia Barbosa  @pbarbosa306)

So our verdict is;
  • Bomber jackets are a HELL YEAH for 2016
  • Wear them correctly or just don’t wear them at all
  • If you are watching your pennies, stick with the High Street.

Lastly, no need to fear, you don’t need to be a pilot to be able to wear one!  Phew!  You were worried weren’t you?

Muchos besos


It's a jungle!

We recently came across one of those; "sign up to our mailing list and get a free drink" type things.  We are complete suckers for a freebie (who isn’t!) so we thought why the hell not!?

The Churchill Arms is a beautiful and welcoming real ale boozer half way between the beautiful streets of High Street Kensington and the trendy ways of Notting Hill Gate.  

This unique Fullers pub was once frequented by Winston Churchill's grandparents...Yadda, yadda, yadda...BUT most importantly (to us), it was the first London pub with a Thai restaurant! Uhuh, yes, you heard right - Thai Restaurant!

The second you step in to The Churchill Arms you are surrounded by the usual traditional pub type atmosphere.  Dark brown wooden tables and seats that creek the moment you look at them, the smell of real ale dripping from the taps and the sounds of customers sighing and sipping away at their pints after a hard day’s work. Try not to be alarmed by the three-quarter-size cardboard cut outs of the Queen, William and Kate. We would imagine by the end of a night of drinking, they’d end up being your best mates! Selfie time!!...

We all get the munchies after necking a couple of drinks down our systems but never fear, this pub has magically grown their own jungle...... So if you're hungry and fancy relaxing in pure amazingness, step in to the jungle....

Must admit, the moment we witnessed the walls and ceilings bedecked with hanging baskets spilling over with flowers, foliage and dried up butterflies, we thought we had entered a cross between beautiful Thailand and Mr Tarzans abode. (We promise, we weren't drunk)!...Gulp! 

Their scrumptious selection of Thai meals are reasonably priced and the portions are actually quite big (not that we'd ever complain)! And of course, they have a fab selection of ale, wine and spirits (the drinking kind).

Okay, so enough about this. We are now hungry and need to go back here again very soon!  

This is a popular place so we would advise booking ahead and remember guys, sign up for a free drink, use lots of different email addresses (shhhh, we won't tell anyone if you won't - wink, wink).

Location: 119 Kensington Church St, London W8 7LN

Muchos besos


Hidden Gem: Taberna Da Poncha, Madeira.

We are fortunate enough to come from such a beautiful ‘dot’ of an Island in the North of the Atlantic Ocean but one question Londoners always feel to ask us is; “are there many pubs there?” Guess what?  No!

BUT, if you are visiting such a wonderful place with stunning views you don’t want to be sitting in a dark gloomy pub downing a pint of bog-standard ale's!

So, we introduce to you this hidden gem; Taberna Da Poncha. Located in Ribeira Brava, approximately a 20 minutes drive from the Capital, Funchal. We were lucky enough to visit this quirky hangout a couple of weekends ago for a third time – whoop whoop! 

Taberna Da Poncha is a drinking den that serves ‘Poncha’ which is a traditional drink from Madeira made by mixing aguardente de cana (a liquor made from sugar cane) along with honey, sugar and fresh orange or lemon.  Although Poncha tends to leave a sweet yummy taste in your mouth, do not be fooled by its sweetness. It is very strong and we’d be surprised if you aren’t dancing around making a fool of yourself after 3 glasses.  You have been warned!

Monkey nuts anyone?  You are given a side of nuts with your Poncha and the deal is, you eat the nuts and then you throw the nut shells on the floor…. huh…?... really…. ?... what …?  Random or what!?  We’d imagine this wouldn’t be a great thing for those who suffer from OCD but never fear, there are bins around. We wouldn’t advise using them though, you’ll get funny looks from the locals…

Lastly, when you visit Taberna Da Poncha, remember to bring your business cards! Nothing screams free promotion like this place as the walls and ceilings are covered in visitors’ business cards which adds an individual uniqueness to its interior ‘décor’. Can you spot us…?

Location: Sitio Da Lage, Serra De Agua, Ribeira Brava, Madeira 9350-309, Portugal

Price of Poncha: 3 Euros

Muchos besos


Bills Breakfast: Catch up, eggs and retail therepy

One of my closest friends recently moved from South West to West London which gave me a great excuse to venture away from my usual hangouts. 

Okay, so I didn’t have to travel THAT far living in West myself, but I guess dashing across to a new part of West London which was out of my usual zone with Westfields conveniently up the road; it turned in to a nice little adventure ‘away’ for the day.

We took a trip to Bills restaurant in Ealing which had just opened up. Bills has somewhat become our go-to place for breakfast/lunch and if you haven’t heard of one before then errrr, where have you been hiding?  You will find them everywhere! 

With its quirky décor; walls bedecked with wooden plans, sparkly lights, tins of produce and vintage teapots displayed on shelves - you feel like you’ve just entered a mini supermarket where they sell their own branded goods of sauces, confectionary, snacks and juices. Cute!

Ok so on to what we ate! My friend opted for the Eggs Royale with crispy bacon. I am a Royale girl myself and I love my smoked salmon (yum) however I had never tried an Eggs Benedict with ham before, so I thought why not. It was nice but salmon is where my heart lies. 

    The food hastily disappeared and we were ready to hit the shops for some retail therepy




Tips and Advice for Festival newbies

Hang those heels up and take out your funky wellies as it’s almost time to unleash those tents from under the floorboards!  (Why you’d hide them there in the first place is a story for another day) ….

As the countdown to summer festivals begins, the never ending tickets have already started to go on sale, with Glastonbury already sold out...damn it! and the first line up of acts are already being announced. Whoopahhh!

Being keen festival goers ourselves, we thought we’d share with you some tips to help you plan those fun antics ahead!...

***ATTENTION....If ‘festival talk’ has got you reaching for ear plugs and you are more passionate about hot a shower, flushing toilets and a cosy bed; then we’d advise you to look away now***

  • Bring some cash... Queens heads always help
  • Drink plenty of water… dehydration stinks (not literally)
  • Invest in some sun block
  • Deodorant is a MUST
  • Perhaps decorate your tent so you recognise it...You don't want to find yourself in someone else's tent (or do you) after stumbling around responsibly sloshed .... now that would be, erm, tres awkward.
  • Take some loo rolls and wet wipes! Portoloo’s are the things nightmares are made of!
  • Don't want to shell out for on expensive festival foods?... Pack snacks and cereal bars and a stove and pan and cook for yourself.
  • Camp near enough to the loo's so you won’t end up wetting yourself but stay far enough so that you can't smell them!

  • Don't just stick to alcohol... alcohol plus sun means you might find yourself meeting your mates outside the recovery me I've been there and it isn’t pretty! 
  • Don’t pack too much makeup... keep it minimal as it’s the last thing you'll be bothered about.
  • Don't Smugly smile out from the VIP area to those who haven't washed...people will think you are a twat!
  • Do not wear a jesters, just no!

You know you're doing it right when.....
  • You wake up the next day in one of the music tents instead of your own.
  • You wake up butt-naked but body-painted from head to ankles
  • It's 8am and you're shouting "one more tune!" to the DJ
  • You lose your friends in a chaotic mosh pit

You know you're doing it wrong when.....
  • After the final act you head back to your tent and tuck yourself into your sleeping bag.... like, seriously dood?
  • You wake up at day-break with NO hangover and wanting a nice breakfast...*rolls eyes*
  • Your friends ask you to hold their phones/camera. No... the only thing you should be carrying is a drink in your hand.
  • You constantly try to call home to let family know you are still alive.

All in all just embrace the festival life. It's the perfect place to escape from reality and unleash your inner weirdness. So don't worry that your hair is greasy...That's why dry shampoo's were invented!



Pay day purchases: River Island bargains

NEWSFLASH people!! I am officially a self-confessed shoe addict and If I could eat them all I would!  But let’s not be too hasty…

I have really been into Ankle Boots lately and during one of my casual sprees around River Island I came across these beauts.  Aren’t they just fabulous??

Clearly it was love at first sight. The contrast of the soft leather and smooth suede had me shaking in my old/worn-out/in-need-of-a-new-replacement boots. Luckily for me, not only was it pay day BUT River Island were generous enough to start their 50% sale. Kaaaaching.

So, yes, I bought them and it’s a legal offence to buy boots without a bag so yep, I got this wonderful creation too….


Tempted to get these. But do I need another pair in my life?...course I do! They are too gorgeous to pass up!

Like what you see and love a good bargain? Then hurry and treat yourselves to any (or all!) of these beauties before they disappear! We don't want you to be left disappointed...we know how that feels!

Shop items:

Black patchwork heeled ankle boots - £45.00    £20.00

Brown patchwork heeled ankle boots - £45.00   £20.00 

Black cross body bag - £26.00



Sarnies cleansing routine: Vichy - Normaderm.... Who?

 For someone who isn't very 'girlie-girl" and who goes about things in a very immature manner, I am still an adult (apparently) and like most adults, I 'worry' about my skin.  

I am a sucker for products I've never heard of so when I came across the brand; Vichy, I just couldn't resist!

I've been using a combination of Vichy products for a year now and I just love their stuff!  Their range tackles the following bad b*tches....

- Blemishes
- Paws (meow) .... Actually, I think I mean PORES
- Shine
- Oily skin
- Marks & uneven complexion

We probably moan that we suffer from all of the above and no doubt there SO many products out there that combat the same things but I personally reckon I've found the right beauts that work for me.

So my cleansing routine goes like this...

Vichy's Unclogging exfoliating gel - Acne prone skin

I wouldn't recommend that anyone exfoliates more than twice a week.  (A) You don't want risk sanding your face off and (B) Lord knows what you look like underneath your skin if you accidentally do sand it off!
Exfoliating is a must though so this product works a treat.

Vichy's Deep cleansing purifying gel - Acne prone skin

I basically use this as a face wash day and night.  It gives you a nice fresh sensation which I guess, leaves you feeling as though your face is cleaner then clean.  The word 'purifying' says it all really.

Lastly, Vichy's Anti-imperfections, beautifying anti-blemish care

In simple terms, it's a moisturiser which combats blemishes.  It doesn't make you more 'beautiful'; trust me, I'd know.  BUT it is great for hydrating the skin throughout the day.    Obviously, this doesn't mean that you should stop drinking water!

So thanks to wonderful spring waters of the town Vichy in France, Vichy has become one of my 'must do" daily routines.  Admittedly, their products can be quite expensive at approximately £11 to £15 a product.  Eeeek! But dollar shhmollar - everyone needs a treat now and then.

Shop products:

Vichy's Deep cleansing purifying gel - £11.00 

Vichy's Deep cleansing purifying gel - £11.00 

Vichy's Anti-imperfections, beautifying anti-blemish care - £14.50

Muchos besos


Sunday Brunch surprise: Balans Soho Society.

"The best plan is no plan" - A motto we definitely live by. If you haven't heard of it before, let me introduce to you Balans Soho Society. Although it sounds like one, this is not a cult that we have just joined....I hope I didn't get you worried there! It is in fact a restaurant/cafe/bar and a great haven to beat that hangover. 

As soon as you enter, comfort oozes from every angle. No its not a conveyor belt of food and diners like a Sushi joint but rather a stylish and cool environment bedecked in unique, colourful and quirky decor with an Alice in Wonderland feel.

I was itching for some coffee, a nice munch and a chin wag with Mother and Balans seemed like the perfect place to go. 

After browsing through the mind-blowing menu, mother opted for the Two eggs any way with granary toast with bacon .As tempting a full breakfast or Eggs Benedict is, I decided to go for the intriguing and mouth-watering Eggs in Hell. Two poached eggs in chilli sauce, potatoes and Parmesan. I wanted to spice things up a bit (hehe).  I must say it was outstanding. It sounds like hell but it tasted like, err, eggs in purgatory...? so if you're like me and a lover of heat, then this one is for you!

Check out the yolk porn...yum!

Probably my favourite brunch spot so far! The food was eggs...cellent, the atmosphere was pleasant and the service was attentive with a smile (and not a commercial one)

It may not appeal to everyones taste but it definitely gets a big thumps up from me. It's both gastronomically and aesthetically pleasing and I will be sure to go back again soon to try out one of their signature cocktails...or two. 

If you do decide to try it out don't forget to pick up a loyalty card!




The floating garden

“Basta que sim”…or the English translation; “Enough is yes”….yep, no sense at all. But you’ll find this random phrase being said in all kinds of conversations on a tiny island called Madeira. Not many people have heard of it (probably because you can’t see it on a global map) but this is where we are from. And no, it is not where Madeira cake is also from!

For those of you who have stumbled across this mysterious place you would have heard or read that as a holiday destination, Madeira attracts mostly the golden oldies. However this is not entirely the case. It is not the retirement home many would have you to believe.

Ok so firstly, let’s talk about what we love to do more than anything… eat!! Nom nom nom.  “Must eats” on Madeira Island are as follows…

Espetada – Beef on a frigging stick! – The Chinese might have invented the chopstick but we’ve invented; THE STICK! 

Lapas – Limpets! Honestly, try it, they aren’t like gooey oysters. They are totally mouth-watering. Served in a hot pan straight from the grill, topped with garlic and a squeeze of lemon *drools* 


Bolo do caco – A typical wheat flour bread topped with garlic and parsley. You’ll find this on almost every menu 

Picado – Another popular meat dish. Consisting of small fried pieces of beef served in a big dish surrounded by French fries. Usually eaten out of the same dish by everyone on the table. So we wouldn’t recommend this for non-sharers!

Milho Frito – These are delicious deep-fried cubes of cornmeal – a popular side dish to accompany those main dishes. 

Full yet?  Great!  We know just the thing to burn off all of those unwanted calories! 
Head over to Sao Lourenco, located in the eastern part of the island which has the most amazing views.  You can witness a combination of rocks and sea from all around the island.  The walk to the top of Sao Lourenco is purely untouched but we warn you; if you are unfit – DON’T DO IT!  Take water, sun cream and food (Obviously) and just enjoy the magical breath-taking views. **We wouldn’t advise taking kids as it can be quite dangerous**

If that’s made you feel tired and you just fancy being “carried” around for the day, then Madeira has lots to offer too!  Check these out….

Tour around in a Tuk tuk.  Never mind those London Rickshaws that are overpriced for a ten second ride around the square.  These Tuk tuks takes you to places you’d never think to go to by foot. 

The famous Taboggans…. Ok, this is slightly more for the Adrenalin junkies but definitely worth a go for the experience. It is a ride down from Monte to Funchal on a wooden sledge, down narrow winding streets. Just remember to keep your arms in (or up) and don’t worry, the toboggan men are experts at what they do.

Less crazy and more relaxation?  Take a trip up to the top of the mountains on the Monte cable cars.  Spectacular views you just don’t want to miss. 

Levada walks – A great opportunity for those of you who love to be one with nature a beautiful adventure through the lush green landscapes.

Hmm anything else? Ohhh yes. Ronaldo! Cristiano Ronaldo! How can we nearly forget to mention one of the Island’s most important figures and better known exports. A Native himself, you will find his image adorned all over the island; on t-shirts, towels, mugs and accessories. Don’t forget to check out his statue which you’ll find in the Capital City, Funchal. Seflieeee time!

Ok let’s wrap this up. All in all this “Pearl of the Atlantic” has so much to offer and is a great year round holiday destination. With its lush landscapes, spectacular views, countless choice of bars and restaurants, charming cobbled streets and water sports such as sailing, surfing, whale and dolphin watching, you are bound to not get bored or hungry!

muchos besos

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